A large collection of finite elements has been implemented for applications in civil and building structures. Midas Civil provides linear and nonlinear structural analysis capabilities. Once the basic section and bridge information and tendon placement data for the case of a PSC bridge are provided, the Wizard creates the completed bridge model as well as the construction stage models. Powerful automatic modeling functions such as Auto Mesh Generation and various Bridge Wizards are introduced. Midas Civil enables us to readily create nodes and elements as if we were drawing drawings using the major functions of CAD programs.

They offer excellent facilities and productivity for the modeling and analysis of complex, large-scale structures. The user-oriented input/output functions are based on sophisticated and intuitive User Interface and up-to-date Computer Graphics techniques. Midas Civil Software Capabilities User-friendly GUI Unique tools for automatic cable force optimization at final stage and construction stages. This module has wizards to generate the geometry along with construction stages and tendon placement in 3D. This module is for engineers dealing with challenging structures requiring complex analysis. It carries bridge specific wizards to save the modeling time for engineers dealing with advanced bridge types like segmental, cable stayed and suspension bridges. midas Civil Advanced module is a super set of midas Civil conventional version.The module can handle concrete as well as steel bridges / Super and Sub structure analysis on same platform. This module is for engineers handling structural analysis and design of conventional bridges as listed below and general structures. midas Civil Conventional module carries wizards for quick modeling of conventional bridges in 2D and 3D as well as most user-friendly GUI for easy modification and result extraction.