I WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE IF THIS INFORMATION*GETS INTO THE WRONGS HAND OR LEAKS FROM YOUR COMPUTER. NOTE: BY STORING YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD INTO YOUR ANTIMICRO PROFILE IS NOT A SECURE WAY OF STORING THIS INFORMATION. Open this file and follow the instructions.*If you want to press or hold a button to paste a username or password go to the Mouse Mode/Login Mode in the Antimicro profile and click on the D-Pad buttons and change the Text Entry command text to your username and password. In the alternative download there will be a text file named Elder Scrolls Online (Alternative) - Xbox Gamepad. Then download the files here and launch Antimicro and open the profiles you downloaded. Install the software that comes with your controller first. If you play Oblivion also look at my Oblivion Xbox Gamepad.īack + D-Pad Up-Paste Username 1/Paste Password 1 (Hold)īack + D-Pad Right-Paste Username 2/Paste Password 2 (Hold)īack + D-Pad Down-Paste Username 3/Paste Password 3 (Hold)īack + D-Pad Left-Paste Username 4/Paste Password 4 (Hold) The Elder Scrolls Online controls are the default controls that are used in Elder Scrolls Online with the added features this mod offers and the Elder Scrolls Online (Alternative) controls change the setup to be more like Skyrim. There are two controller configurations that are included with this. These controls can allow you to do things such as log into your Elder Scrolls Online account with a few presses of a button. If you play Elder Scrolls Online with a controller the controls are not as user friendly as they are on Xbox One.